Vintage Computer Festival Europe
VCFe in Munich, Germany

On 28.04.2001-29.04.2001 the Vintage Computer Festival Europe V2.0 (VCFe 2.0) took place.

Me with my Atari-ST at the VCFe 2.0

Since 2000, the Festival is organized on a yearly basis.
It is scheduled each year on the weekend next to 1st of Mai. If that is a wednesday, it is scheduled the weekend before.

The homepage of VCFe is linked here.

10.000m race

At the VCFe 2.0 the 10.000m race was presented. It is a game similar to Decathlon, but the distance to run is 10km. A competition of this distance was held at the VCFe 2.0.
Here are the winners:
winners of 10.000m race

Take a look at the top10:

top 10 of 10.000m race